Kindergarten 's Presentations - Bilingual Programme
On August 30th and 31st it was our Kindergarten students' turn! They enthusiastically presented songs related to the Brazilian Folclore and Nursery Rhymes.
Parents and relatives were really excited about the event and it was great to see how happy our students were to present such traditional songs.
We'd like to congratulate our students for such wonderful performances, our staff for the initiative and development of the projects and also thank parents for the partnership between family and the school.
Apresentação do Infantil – Programa Bilíngue
Nos dias 30 e 31 de agosto foi a vez dos alunos do Infantil darem um show de carisma e de domínio da Língua Inglesa durante as apresentações musicais no encerramento do projeto Folclore.
Foi maravilhoso ver o entusiasmo dos familiares e a alegria estampada no sorriso das crianças.
Parabéns aos alunos do Infantil pela linda apresentação, aos pais pela parceria e a Equipe Múltipla pela iniciativa.